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Things happen.

gonzalo bonked 15 Apr 2024 12:25 +0200
original: tedu@honk.tedunangst.com

Implementing basic totp turned out to be very easy, so that may be coming soon to the honknet. To thwart high value spearphishing attacks and all that.

gonzalo bonked 14 Apr 2024 19:47 +0200
original: globalmuseum@mastodon.online

An underwater mystery that once puzzled experts was the discovery of strange drawings in the sand with found on the seabed off Japan. After a decade they found their origin & why they suddenly appeared and disappeared until they finally managed to discover it. The author of these amazing formations, almost 2 meters wide, was a newly discovered species of puffer fish measuring no more than 12 centimeters. Subsequent studies determined that they were ornate circles to attract mating partners #fish
